Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Summer Reading!

Hello DDS teachers, parents and students!

Denver Discovery School would like to champion the summer reading activities offered through Denver Public Library’s Summer of Adventure Program by focusing on a couple of reading goals that will help our students with their academic success.
At DDS we believe reading is fundamental in developing lifelong learners and responsible young adults. Furthermore, we embrace the Denver Public Libraries’ view that reading should be accessible, fun, and enriching.
Our two DDS goals, therefore, are below:
  • Having students explore different reading materials like magazines, newspapers, journals, databases, ebooks (available through DPL’s website and through Denver Public School’s Sora site … both free! Students can use their chrome books to access both).
  • To engage in dedicated reading for at least 20 minutes a day.

***** Students can chart their reading on a simple homemade chart. Reading logs will be collected in the DDS Library in the fall when we return to school. Please be sure to include your full name and student number at the top of the page. *****
There will be cool prizes!

********ALL DPS Students Have Free Access to the DPS Sora Digital Library************
Denver Public Schools will provide free Sora eBook and audiobook access to all DPS students and staff, including the charter school network. Students and staff can instantly access 30,000 eBooks and audiobooks on any computer, tablet or smart phone by logging with DPS credentials.
For Denver Discovery School Sora    go to https://lion.dpsk12.org/442/
DPS Student Username:
6-digit Student ID Number
DPS Student Password:
8-digit Birthdate (mmddyyyy)
2 digits for month, 2 digits for day, 4 digits for year
Also …
It’s easy to register for the Denver Public Library’s 2020 Summer of Adventure program.
Online go to denverlibraryadventures.org or by phone at 720-865-1111.

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


I didn't know about this great site until now. Really fascinating articles! I just read the one on speed reading. There are multiple ways that teachers, parents and adult learners can utilize this rich resource.
Check it out - you will be glad you did! I intend to keep this bookmarked on my computer so I can refer to it often.


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