Thursday, October 29, 2020

Sora e-book ... The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson


With just a few days before Halloween I thought I’d recommend a spooky seasonal e-book choice available on Sora. 


 Remember Sora is our DPS e-book and audio book collection. Sora is vast, engaging and authentic. There are many ways to use Sora for students and educators.

The Haunting of Hill House

by Shirley Jackson


It is the story of four seekers who arrive at a notoriously unfriendly place called Hill House: Dr. Montague, an occult scholar looking for solid evidence of a "haunting"; Theodora, the lighthearted assistant; Eleanor, a friendless, fragile young woman well acquainted with poltergeists; and Luke, the future heir of Hill House. 

At first, their stay seems destined to be merely a spooky encounter. But Hill House is gathering its powers—and soon it will choose one of them to make its own.

(Also available as an audio book!)






Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Origami Simulator

 Too cool for school! 

I love this site!

I once had a students with special needs that was so good at origami he started an origami club at our school. Doing amazing origami became a creative passion for him and was a deep source of pride and self worth.

This online simulator is sophisticated, colorful and engaging. Enjoy!

Different folding patterns available. Lots of views, angles and ways to manipulate.

Origami Simulator

 About the site: This app allows you to simulate how any origami crease pattern will fold. It may look a little different from what you typically think of as "origami" - rather than folding paper in a set of sequential steps, this simulation attempts to fold every crease simultaneously. It does this by iteratively solving for small displacements in the geometry of an initially flat sheet due to forces exerted by creases.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Colorado Encyclopedia


I didn't know that this existed! ... and I used to teach a course on Colorado History!

This is a great and probably underused resource about all things Colorado. It is an online reference index with easy to navigate categories of People, Places, Events and Things. The whole encyclopedia has been reconfigured for use by educators and students 4th - 12th grade. Perfect!!



Here is About the Colorado Encyclopedia:                                                                                      Welcome to Colorado Encyclopedia.

Colorado Encyclopedia is the leading online reference work on the Centennial State, with more than 700 main entries on the state’s history and culture. It has been recognized as an authoritative source. According to the competitive Alexa Global and National web traffic ranking analysis, Colorado Encyclopedia already ranks nationally with other long-established, similar-sized encyclopedias of fewer than 1,000 entries; it has also achieved a global rank better than some encyclopedias with many more entries.

One major focus has been education. A quarter of Colorado Encyclopedia entries have been reconfigured for use by 4-12 grade students, with accompanying teacher resource sets and inquiry cards to encourage research on the state’s past. As the Pueblo Chieftain reported in 2016, “Colorado Encyclopedia [is] geared to young pupils. . . . It’s plausible the site might be used someday in statewide curriculum.” This is a prospective goal.

With its recent National Endowment for the Humanities grant (2019), Colorado Encyclopedia has entered its second phase of development, which will add several hundred new entries, with accompanying digital media and teacher resources. This new content will deepen the inter-connections between the site’s entries and enable readers to more thoroughly explore the Encyclopedia’s humanities themes.

As part of this new phase, Colorado Encyclopedia is participating in the Colorado Women's Vote Centennial, a celebration of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution (1920), which gave all American women the right to vote. With the generous support of the University of Colorado Boulder and Denver campuses, and the Colorado State University Libraries, Colorado Encyclopedia will be adding new articles focusing on this subject as well.*

Our central aim continues to be to offer a reliable resource for all those interested in learning about this extraordinary state.

William Wei, PhD
Editor in Chief
July 12, 2019

* Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in these articles and on this site do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the University of Colorado Boulder and Denver campuses, or the Colorado State University Libraries.