Saturday, September 26, 2020

Denver Public Schools Arts and Physical Education

 Here is the listing on 'The Commons' for some of the districts artsy and health related departments and their coordinators. I know you could probably spend some time and find this on your own but I found it by accident so I thought I'd share. I didn't know some of these departments existed!



Some of the departments offer various kinds of free outreach services to DPS teachers, schools and classrooms. 

For example, The Seamstress and Costume Shop led by Jean Benson. Costumes for various DPS student performances can be borrowed from Jean's extensive collection. Of course - all is on hold currently due to Covid-19 restrictions. Jean has over 5,000 costumes representing different cultures, geographic locations and time periods. 

I will be donating a few items for Jean's collection next month. I'm sure I have some bell-bottom pants or a Nehru jacket around somewhere!  


Friday, September 25, 2020

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Association for Applied Therapeutic Humor

 Just looking at the first page of this website will make you feel better - and hopeful!                                This is not free, but a yearly membership is about the cost of a Colorado lift ticket!


Here is what the Association for Applied Therapeutic Humor says about what they do:

 Explore the Practical and Therapeutic Benefits of Humor

    You know what we’re talking about: laughter feels great! Sometimes moments of humor and laughter can almost feel like a magical, euphoric experience. At AATH, we study the science behind those experiences and how we can intentionally apply humor to make people’s lives better.                                                                                                                                                            Did you know that humor’s innumerable health benefits include significant stress reduction, greater pain tolerance increased blood flow, and enhanced immune function?                                                 Plus, it has a wealth of other benefits, such as improved memory retention, enhanced trust, credibility, connection, and empathy.                                                                                                                                  If humor’s so amazing, shouldn’t we all be trying to work more of it into our lives?                   That’s where AATH comes in.  We enhance the health, well-being, and performance of people, organizations, and communities through humor.

A "Core" membership is $149. Here is some of what you get...

  • ​Networking with expert practitioners, researchers, and global speakers
  • Exclusive Invitations to online video summits with leading practitioners and researchers
  • CME & CE Credits
  • Unlimited access to the Humor Research Library hosted by Prevention Insights
  • The opportunity to enroll in the Humor Academy
  • Eligibility to achieve Certified Humor Professional status

​If you are a senior (you know who you are) ... or you could just lie - did I say that! It is $110 yearly.

There is a lot of positive energy about this organization - and you can use this for credit toward your teacher licensing renewal.


Here is a cool TED talk about AATH President Paul Osincup’s explains why the best leaders don’t take themselves too seriously. On the link below.